The “new” management: the methods of today’s managers in a rapidly changing world

1 min readMar 11, 2021


The “new” manager is a five-legged sheep. He is capable of understanding the consequences of societal transformations. They know how to untangle complex issues in order to make the right decisions and manage their implementation. As an assertive leader and facilitator, he/she leads his/her team in a context of permanent change.

Agile management = an agile manager

Agility is the rule. Today’s successful solutions may not work tomorrow. Market changes imply a permanent questioning of the organization, processes and working methods. Teams must be able to reinvent themselves to seize opportunities for change.

A major challenge for a company is to know how to accompany its teams towards these changes. The manager has a key role to play in driving and leading this change on a daily basis by engaging his or her employees in the achievement of ambitious and shared objectives.




A Managing Manager, on the way to discover the world and all its beautiful creatures.